Jesus says: “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” As disciples, we are called to continue God’s work on earth. Taking care of God’s poor is indeed living gospel values.The St. Vincent de Paul Society is dedicated to serve and assist families and individuals in our community, helping them to meet their basic needs including, but not limited to, housing, utility bills and referral to other agencies.
Members of our ministry visit people in their homes. The St. Vincent de Paul Society reaches out to the lonely and alienated with person to person ministry contact.
Financial support for the ministry’s work comes directly from the generous support of parishioners from St. Mary’s Parish and fund raising.
There is an immediate need for new members. All training is provided and there is rotating responsibility.
The society meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
If you would like more information on the St. Vincent de Paul Society or would like to volunteer for this ministry please call 401-364-9413
Please also remember the SVdP clothing bins located in the parking lots of both St. Mary and St. James churches. Clothes of any kind (even if not wearable) may be donated. Our conference will benefit from your donations.
The St Vincent de Paul Conference Members renewed their commitment to serving others at the
Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Mass on June 16th.
The SVdP breakfast/lunch program runs all year long on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 8 am to 11 am. We welcome all to the room over the garage at St Mary’s Church for various freshly cooked egg sandwiches, an assortment of sides, fresh coffee and tea, and lunch meat sandwiches. Dine in or take out. All are welcome!
The St Mary’s/St James Conference ended its fiscal year September 30, 2022 and without your support, we could not have met the increased demand for assistance needed to serve our community. We continue to meet with families and individuals in person throughout the pandemic to support financially and spiritually. We assisted:
20 Families with Housing and Rent Expenses
4 Homeless Families with Temporary Lodging
19 Families with Heating and Electric Expenses
13 Families with Car payments/repairs/insurance
We also helped with moving expenses and phone bills. Each friend that we meet also receives gift cards to help with basic needs. As our Rule states “No form of charity is foreign to the Society”.
Many families and individuals we have served came to our Christmas gathering. Refreshments were served and each received gift cards, clothing and toys for family members.
Please continue to pray for this awesome team of people who seek to do God’s work.
Donna Walsh, President
Our St Vincent de Paul team:
Abby Fang, Anne Landry, Barbara Svenningsen, Betty Gradale, Carolyn Craig, Daria Capalbo, Dave Landry, Donna Walsh, Ellie McGrath, Estelle Bam, Geri Colby, Gloria Monty, Gloria Sloan, Helen Sheehan, Kathy Rorick, Lita Mainelli, Liz Meyer, Mary Ellen Blake, Mary Gormley, Trisha Bam