Teachers are always needed to work with the youth of the parish. Contact Director of Religious Education, Sally Lambert at:
or by email at
All adults who work or volunteer with children in any capacity at St. Mary's Parish are required to complete Safe Environment Training once every three years. If you have been unable to attend any of the training sessions, you may complete the online training. In order to qualify, you must read and understand the documents listed below.
Our PARISH ENRICHMENT PROGRAM (PEP) is a Community meeting for students and their parents held at St James Chapel and St Mary's Parish Center one Sunday a month, September through April. The program each month begins with Mass at 10:00 followed by classes which end at 12:00. All students are assigned to classes by grade level and parents meet with Fr. Paul while their children are in class. During the years students are preparing to receive First Communion and Confirmation they also meet at St Mary’s Parish Center for classes one additional time each month. For additional details, check with Director of Religious Education, Sally Lambert at:
or by email at
Facebook: @St.Mary'sParishEnrichmentProgram
The Catholic Church teaches that God has created each of us as unique and special. Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are created “male and female in God’s image” and that God saw this as “very good.” In that goodness, we are meant to respect ourselves and everyone else as persons created and loved by God.
Please click on the links below to learn more about the Circle of Grace program at St. Mary’s Parish.